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Diaries, Calendars, Telephone Book & Address Books

VIP Diaries are high quality large print diaries, calendars, telephone and address books for the visually impaired. All the diaries are made for visually impaired people with large print text and large spaces to write. They have been developed with visually impaired people leading the design

to create a helpful aid for those who need it.

If you are registered as blind or partially sighted then please order by telephone on 01302 852679 as you may be eligible for zero rating of VAT on certain products 

Tel:01302 852679

(Closed Weekends and Bank Holidays)

63 Tenter Lane, Warmsworth, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN4 9PP

Edward Marcus Ltd - supporting sight loss in Doncaster, South Yorkshire for partially sighted, people with sight loss, low vision and vision impairment

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